Monday, February 8, 2010

Bittersweet Symphony

I just realized that I'm about to lose one of my best friends to one of the most amazing endeavors ever. And by lose I don't mean they're dying or anything, I just mean that contact will be slim to none—and that's hard for someone like me who enjoys the convenience of constant contact with friends (it's my sole purpose of having facebook/tumblr/twitter, etc.)

But soon my friend Joshua will be leaving the United States to travel to Kenya, Africa to serve the people there. I've know Joshua for about 10 years and I've gotten to watch him grow in character, talent, and I've also gotten to see his heart for people grow as well. It's going to be bittersweet when he leaves, but I know it's the right thing and I know that what he's doing matters.

I consider myself blessed to know people who are unafraid to do daring things. I went to lunch with Joshua when I was home for the holidays and I got to 'hear his heart' for the people in Kenya and I am so excited for all that he is going to do.

One thing he is doing to raise funds before he heads out is to sell some of his beautiful artwork. These are the prints he is selling:

(you can see larger versions HERE)
I'm going to buy one later this week after payday. I think I'm going to buy this one:

I'm 100% sure it will be the BEST $20 I've ever spent. Supporting friends warms my heart. Supporting friends who are living their dreams and making a real difference warms it even more!

If you have a spare $20 and would like to give it to a worthy cause, please e-mail Joshua at and let him know which one you'd like and he will let you know where to send the dinero. I know it may seem like a ton of money in our current economy, but if you can, you should. His photography is beautiful and the work he is doing is meaningful.

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