Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm On A Boat

This past Saturday, I got to go with Kayleigh to the Seattle Boat Show! Now, for the record, I've never actually been to a Boat Show, so I had no clue what I was doing or planning to see, but I knew I'd have tons of fun hanging with Kayleigh. :D

Here are some pics from our day:


You goin' my way?

Kayleigh in the restroom on the boat

Me in the restroom on the boat

You know, just in case someone thinks about stealing Kayleigh's coffee ;p

That's what they call me

My pirate ship

The Ferrari of boats . . .

The hot dog stand man who offered us weed. We settled for hot dogs instead ;)


Kelley said...

LOL!! That "Swine Flue" coffee cup is HILARIOUS!!! I love it! ;D

Unknown said...

i love boats shows. they are so fab.