Friday, March 13, 2009

Here I Go Again

Pictures from today!  :D

I took Leah out for lunch because it's her last day at work :(  We went to Cafe Presse in Capital Hill.  We went for Creme Brulle because I've never had it.  But they weren't featuring it today.  So I settled for the mousse. it was very rich and tasty!

The bus driver has a stuffed animal monkey collection on the bus :D

Eating a Breakfast Burrito at Qdoba

I bought a new camera today!

Which will come in handy tomorrow when me and Leah go to
the COFFEE: THE WORLD IN YOUR CUP exhibit at the Burke Museum at the U-Dub tomorrow!

More to come tomorrow! :D

1 comment:

Kelley said...

I want a moose!

Oops, I mean a mousse.